Virgin Mobile’s “Date ‘em or Diss ‘em”
Client: Juniper Park

Juniper Park decided to update Virgin Mobile’s “What a Night” holiday e-card Web site and they brought be back to tweak a few things for the “Date ‘em or Diss ‘em” Valentine’s Day 2012 campaign. The user chooses a humerous Valentine’s Day themed “date ‘em” or “diss ‘em” e-postcard to send to someone they know via Facebook, Twitter or old-fashioned email. Once again, I wrote all the HTML, CSS, jQuery and PHP. The custom-styled mobile and iPad versions were all back. Of course, all of the site’s graphics and copy were updated to reflect Valentine’s Day so there was some adjustments that needed to be made in the CSS. I also added a show/hide form button to reveal and remove the send email form from view.